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Worst Pizza Toppings

Worst Pizza Toppings

Here You Can Find Pizza Toppings Tips To Enjoy Your Pizza.

Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world. There is no other food that is more popular and loved than pizza.

The magic of pizza comes from the cheese, the sauce, and the crust.

Every culture has its favorite toppings that represent the local cuisine. Although taste is subjective, some pizza toppings cause a lot of controversy among pizza lovers.

Some toppings deviate so much from the cultural and flavor norms that their presence on the table is considered an abomination.

Others are controversial as stand-alone foods, not to mention their status as toppings on pizza.

However, you will see these toppings on pizza menus all over the world and even in traditional Italian cuisine.

Check out my list of worst pizza toppings

These toppings are controversial. You may love them or hate them.

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broccoli on pizza
Broccoli On Pizza

I had high expectations for this broccoli because I love broccoli with cheese soup. However, this broccoli is lacking in texture and flavor. It either overcooks in the oven and gives off a raw crunchy texture, or it overcooks and is mushy.

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Spinach On Pizza
Spinach On Pizza

Spinach may look healthy and have a neutral taste, but it doesn’t do much for your pizza. Even if you want to use it on a pizza that’s just been baked, it will still wilt and form a film of slime that will stick to your teeth. If you have to use spinach on your pizza, go for arugula instead.

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Raw Sliced Tomatoes

Raw Sliced Tomatoes On Pizza
Raw Sliced Tomatoes On Pizza

In my opinion, tomato sauce is the only tomato a pizza needs. Adding raw sliced tomatoes to a pizza is the worst of all possible worlds. The sweetness of tomato sauce completely cancels out the more delicate flavors of raw tomatoes. The result is a mushy, mushy monstrosity.

Canned Tuna

Canned Tuna
Canned Tuna

Canned tuna has a strong fishy flavor that calls for a neutral cracker topping or a mayo and cucumber combo. I also think tuna needs a crunchy topping to go with its soft mushy texture. The flavor and texture of canned tuna goes so well with pizza that it could be the worst pizza topping of all time!


Shrimp On Pizza
Shrimp On Pizza

Shrimp is one of the best crustaceans on the planet, and it deserves to be at the top of the menu. Many people would consider ordering it on a pizza as an extra treat, but they would be doing shrimp and pizza a huge disservice. I would rather have it in a nice sauce with rice, or even over some pasta, but overcooking it and baking it won’t give it the full flavor or texture it deserves.


Pineapple On Pizza
Pineapple On Pizza

Pineapple has long been one of the most debated toppings in the history of pizza. Despite this, Hawaiian pizza is still one of America’s most popular specialty pizzas. I’m with the Italians when they say pineapple on pizza is a bad idea. Juicy, tart fruit over salty and spicy pizza is like driving a golf club into a brick wall!

Also Read: Pizza Topping Tips

Raw Onions

Raw Onions On Pizza
Raw Onions On Pizza

It’s no secret that raw onion is one of the most difficult vegetables to handle on almost any dish. From salads to tacos to pizza, you can’t go wrong with raw onions. But let’s face it, no matter if they’re white, purple or yellow, raw onions are extremely spicy and stinky. The stench alone is overpowering. So if you’re gonna put onions on your pizza, you better make sure they’re cooked to perfection.


Anchovies On Pizza
Anchovies On Pizza

Some people say you have to learn to love anchovies. I personally have yet to learn how to love them. Not to mention the fact that you can eat whole fish with eyes and all that yuckiness!

Anchovies are a great source of protein and a good source of fat. However, they are very salty and fishy. They are also very slimy. Nothing you put on them will neutralize the taste of anchovies, not even cheese or crust.

Even though I am not a big fan of anchovies, they are still one of the most popular pizza toppings.

Ranch Dressing

Ranch On Pizza
Ranch On Pizza

When I first saw my friend dip her pizza in ranch dressing for the first time, I was mortified. Now, ranch dressing is one of the most popular drizzles on unconventional pizza menus across the United States. If you ask me, you can dip your pizza in ranch dressing just as easily as you would with mayonnaise. I personally don’t like ranch dressing on my pizza, but there are plenty of people who enjoy ranch dressing as a drizzle on their pizza or as a drizzle right on top of their pizza. Whether you like ranch dressing on your pizza or not, you’ll have to decide for yourself.


Corn On Pizza
Corn On Pizza

Another yummy and sweet topping is corn. Corn has a unique taste that does not go well with Italian food. My pizza tastes like an Enchilada! I love Enchiladas but when I order pizza, I always want it to be an Enchilado. I love fusion cuisine but when it comes to corn and pizza I have an issue!


Avocado On Pizza
Avocado On Pizza

Avocados are one of the most up-to-date fruits on the market. They make everything taste delicious. Well, not all of it. Avocados on pizza don’t have a great texture. They may be creamy like cheese but they don’t really melt. I prefer a creamy topping that melts and even spreads out over more crunchy toppings. Next morning, I’d save my avocado for toast.


Eggs On Pizza
Eggs On Pizza

If you go to any Neapolitan pizzeria, you’ll find at least one pizza that has a fried egg on it. Cracking fresh eggs on top of pasta gives the dish a creamy texture, as in the classic pasta dish known as carbonara. However, many people don’t like runny eggs on pizza. I don’t mind eating an egg on pizza when it goes with other ingredients, but an egg on pizza isn’t even close to my favorite topping.


Olives On Pizza
Olives On Pizza

Whether you like it or not, olives are a food that’s polarizing. Their rich, umami-packed flavor will never go out of style when paired with anything else. I love that they’re here to stay, and I’m glad they’re unapologetic about their presence, but I’ll be damned if they don’t have a strong flavor. The worst part is when the pizzeria adds whole olives to their pizza. Not only do you have to eat giant chunks of olives, but you’ll have to spit out the pits with every bite!


Mushrooms On Pizza
Mushrooms On Pizza

Mushrooms are considered one of the best pizza toppings on the planet. However, many people think of mushrooms as one of the worst toppings on pizza because they are not fond of mushrooms in general.

Mushrooms are very earthy and tasty, but they tend to get greasy or burnt on pizza. If they are cooked properly, I still like mushrooms on pizza, even if others don’t!

BBQ Sauce

BBQ Sauce On Pizza
BBQ Sauce On Pizza

Another common fusion topping is barbecue sauce, which is often the foundation of barbecue-inspired pizzas that feature grilled chicken topped with cheddar cheese and red onions. When it comes to pizza, I’m a real stickler for Italian flavors, herbs and prepackages. Although tomatoes are a big part of barbecue sauce, the smoke and tang is best left as a sauce for smoked meats.


Peas  On Pizza
Peas  On Pizza

There’s a reason our parents would give us dessert to eat our peas. I still hate them as much as I did when I was a kid. I don’t know what I hate more, the mushy texture or the unappetizing taste that no vegetable should have. All they do is ruin my pizza.

Artichoke Hearts 

Artichoke Hearts   On Pizza
Artichoke Hearts   On Pizza

Grilled artichokes and remoulade are my favorites. The heart always seems to be the meaty reward at the end of the meal. The artichokes on pizza are usually the canned artichokes or jarred artichokes that have been brined or soaked in water. I find brined artichokes to be the worst for me in terms of flavor and texture. I like to order some artichokes as a side dish before I eat a pizza that doesn’t have them.


Kale On Pizza
Kale On Pizza

I tried to think of a way that kale could be used on a pizza and couldn’t come up with a single way to go about it. The first thing that came to my mind was that raw kale is way too dense and fibrous for a pizza. I tried sauteed kale, but it’s way too watery and dense. I also tried baked kale, but that’s bitter and dry, so it’s definitely not my thing. I think kale is best when it’s just thrown on the side or in a salad.

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